The Mug Philosophy

What You Put in is What You Get Out – It is That Simple!           


Is your food healthy or unhealthy?

Is it nutritious or unwholesome?

Is your food providing you with energy or lethargy?

Is it nourishing or insubstantial?

Delicious or bland?


Quality vs Inferior

Do you have values or are you valueless?

Do you spend time as a family or are you (or they) too busy?

Is your home full of Love or is it loveless?


Are you healthy or unhealthy?          

Are you energised or lethargic/lazy?         

How active are you or are you more sedentary?


Have you got clear direction or are you directionless?           

Do you live a purpose driven life or are you just surviving?        

Are you enthusiastic or apathetic?          

Are you focused or easily distracted?


Do you see abundance or scarcity?         

Do you stick to a budget or are you wasteful?


How committed are you or are you uncommitted?  

How dedicated are you or are you indifferent?     

Do you get up with intention or are you aimless?

Are you loyal or undependable?


Are your relationships loving or abusive?

Faithful or unfaithful?

Do you believe in quality or abomination?

Are your relationships full of joy or unhappiness?


Team vs Staff

Customer vs Chaos





Are you an astute investor or do you have no investments?


Is your home loving or loveless?

Are you proud of your environment or ashamed?

Comfortable or uncomfortable

Is your home welcoming or unwelcoming?

What about the cleanliness of your home or is it dirty and untidy?


Being educated or uneducated

Do you have a mentor or coach?

Do you support a charity?

Do you volunteer for a cause?

What do you stand for?